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- Create Date November 17, 2024
- Last Updated November 17, 2024
Marriages Act 5:17
The Zimbabwean Marriages Act (Chapter 5:17) is a new law that significantly impacts marriage laws in Zimbabwe. It repeals the previous Marriage Act and Customary Marriages Act, introducing a unified framework for various types of marriages.
Key Features of the New Act:
- Recognition of Unregistered Customary Law Unions: Unregistered customary law unions are now recognized as marriages, albeit with limited legal protection.
- Civil Partnerships: The Act introduces civil partnerships, providing a legal framework for same-sex relationships.
- Qualified Civil Marriages: This type of marriage allows for a more flexible approach, with fewer formalities compared to traditional civil marriages.
- Equal Treatment of Marriages: The Act aims to treat all types of marriages equally, regardless of whether they are civil, customary, or civil partnerships.
- Registration of Marriages: All marriages, including unregistered customary law unions, must be registered within a specified timeframe.
Important Considerations:
- Matrimonial Property Regime: The Act does not change the default matrimonial property regime, which remains out of community of property.
- Polygamy: Polygamous marriages are still permitted under customary law, but certain conditions and procedures must be followed.
- Legal Implications: The new Act has significant implications for property rights, inheritance, and other legal matters, especially for women and children.
It is advisable to consult with a legal professional to fully understand the implications of the new law and to ensure compliance with its provisions.